
The most convenient temperature calibration solution in the market

Handle all your calibrations in minutes, directly at your location, and without the hassle of changing data loggers.

With Eupry’s temperature monitoring solution you won’t have to worry about keeping track of or carrying out calibration. When due, we provide you with newly calibrated, external sensors, you switch them in only seconds, and your data is and certificates are automatically stored digitally - and, of course, our laboratory is accredited by DANAK in ISO17025.

ISO17025 accredited calibration

Our laboratory is accredited according to DIN EN ISO / IEC 17025. We can guarantee highly accurate calibrations as well as an exceptional level of expertise. This is ensured by regular inspections performed by the approved accreditation body, DANAK.

DANAK is a member of the European Accreditation (EA) and International Accreditation Forum (IAF) which encompasses mutual recognition between accreditation bodies. Other relevant accreditation bodies include for instance:

  • A2LA (united states)

  • DANAK (Denmark)

  • FINAS (Finland)

  • DAkkS (Germany)

  • NA (Norway)

  • SWEDAC (Sweden)

  • UKAS (United Kingdom)

Eupry's calibration process

Calibration without manual overviews (the system keeps track for you), physical certificate chaos (all is digital), and switching data loggers (simply switch the sensor) with the fastest calibration process on the market.

  • 1. You are notified

    The system monitors your data loggers status, notifies you when it's calibration time, and we send you newly calibrated sensors. No more worrying about keeping up with calibrations.

  • 2. You replace sensors in seconds

    The patented technology allows you to simply replace the sensor in each data logger without ever having to remove them from the uni - all your calibrations are now done.

  • 3. Documentation is stored

    The software automatically joins data, and calibration certificates are digitally stored and can be accessed and included in an audit-ready report with just a few clicks.

A traditional calibration process

  • 1. You order a calibration

    You keep a manual overview of all calibration expirations to remember to order in time.

  • 2. You secure extra loggers

    You ensure spare loggers to replace the ones sent for calibration.

  • 3. You ship loggers

    You replace the old loggers with spare and ship them to a calibration lab.

  • 4. You wait

    You wait to recieve the newly calibrated loggers. Waiting time can vary.

  • 5. You reinstall logger

    You install data loggers at the site and verify the installation.

  • 6. You document manually

    You physically store calibration certificates five years back. When it is time for audits, you spend time location the relevant documentation.

  • 7. You start over

    Unless you have 100% spare loggers and calibrate the entire fleet at once, you repeat the process several times a year.

With Eupry's calibration process there will be....



Laboratories with Eupry’s solution installed throughout the DTU Veterinary Institute (DTU VET) with more than 280 data loggers for temperature monitoring of refrigerators, freezers, freezers and incubators, the risk of loss of invaluable samples and research material is minimized.

Easy overview, quality assurance and documentation is made possible for a large number of users. The time savings are estimated to be around 1000 hours a year, used exclusively for manual documentation

Lean about Eupry for laboratories


More than 25% of Danish pharmacies use Eupry to monitor temperatures in storage rooms and refrigerators. Eupry’s service agreement makes it easier and less time-consuming for pharmacies to live up to European GDP regulations.

Eupry offers a complete service solution. Eupry’s Service Agreement includes necessary calibration and validation of data loggers without waiting time. Data loggers are simply replaced.

Learn about Eupry for pharmacies


Eupry is installed in several biochemical laboratories in Danish hospitals. The system monitors storage conditions, ensures compliance with quality requirements and prevents loss of priceless samples and research material. Fast on-site deployment, no need for software installation as all features are handled online.

Euprys Wifi data loggers can be connected directly to the hospital’s existing, internal WiFi infrastructure without the need for cabling. Eupry handles the annual calibration by sending out new calibrated data loggers for replacement.

Learn about Eupry for pharma

Talk to our product specialist and get a price quote

Advances at Eupry

  • Reduce costs by 30%
  • Reduce time spent by 70%
  • Reduce interruptions in the every day
  • Achieve better compliance by using Eupry

As a customer at Eupry

  • We deliver within 3 days
  • Calibration takes place in the DANAK accredited laboratory
  • IT security, Encrypted traffic & storage, Network Security and IT-validation
  • Minimize time consumption by 70% and save 30% on calibration with Eupry
  • Language – use Eupry in Danish, English, French and German
  • Satisfaction Guarantee
  • Scalability – scale up and down in the amount of data loggers
Initializing ...

Let Eupry answer your questions about Calibration

We have gathered the most frequently asked questions and answers below. Click on a headline to see the answer.

1. How long does a calibration take?

The secret of a two-minute calibration is that Eupry has automated all workflows associated with a calibration – even yours!

If you choose a calibration agreement with Eupry and use our wireless data logger, you will receive new and calibrated data loggers every year. The replacement takes two minutes and the old data loggers are sent back to Eupry. In Eupry’s portal, Eupry Logger, you will find all certificates on the calibration. The process is approved by DANAK and extremely innovative.

2. How does a calibration take place?

The calibration is performed by comparing a value, eg, temperatures read by a data logger with a reference. By reading out the difference between what the data logger measures and what the reference measures, you can calculate whether the data logger measures correctly, and how close the data logger measures.

3. Eupry has full traceability and meets international standards?

Traceability is the most important concept in calibration. Traceability of one’s equipment means that measurements from one’s data logger can be traced back to the same international standard. One can thus be sure that the data logger shows the same result as any other traceable data logger. One uses the international standard, SI, as proof that everyone works from the same units, eg temperature.

4. What is Eupry’s measurement uncertainty?

During calibration, the measured temperature of the data logger calibrated against a reference is compared, but the comparison made will always be associated with some uncertainty. The uncertainty describes how precisely the two measured temperatures are compared, and therefore gives a picture of how close to “the true value” a calibration can be expected. The calibration uncertainty should always be stated in the calibration certificate.

5. Acceptable deviations in measurements?

On many calibration certificates, a so-called acceptance level is stated. This indicates whether any deviations from the true value are within a defined limit and whether one can rely on the uncertainty promised by the supplier.

6. What should I be aware of when choosing calibration?

There are a number of things to be aware of when choosing calibration. The most important ones are listed below:

Traceability in calibration: To be able to rely on the measurements of one’s equipment, equipment must always be traceable.

Uncertainty in calibration: The uncertainty of the calibration must be chosen to suit the needs of the authorities or internal processes. As a rule, 0.5 ° C will be abundant when monitoring refrigeration equipment, such as refrigerators, freezers, and heaters.

Accredited calibration or not accredited calibration: Whether the calibration of your equipment must be accredited or not depends on the requirements of the authorities or customers on the quality and traceability of the measurements made by your monitoring equipment.

An accredited calibration is always guaranteed to be of high quality, and all accredited companies have strict procedural requirements and are also continuously monitored to ensure a high uniform quality of calibrations. Therefore, you can always rely on accredited calibrations to follow the same international standard for calibration.

Ready to get started?

Explore what Eupry can do for you, or contact us directly to learn more. We’re always happy to talk about your temperature monitoring requirements.

Working in Pharma?

Use Eupry for Pharma, for R&D, in production according to GMP and logistics according to GDP.

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